
Mar 18, 2021

Written 4/17/19:

the pull. the urge. do you ever feel like you are bursting with ideas and energy? My mind cannot keep up with my thoughts. I want to share, share, share. My downloads and urges have been incessant and I make sure to have my journal on me at all times to record them. The power of future self journaling has also helped me tremendously move out of the victim mindset. We must speak in the present tense because it’s all we have. You are where you are. When we speak in the past, we are operating from a depressed state of mind. (I did that...I shouldn’t have done that. I regret that. Etc) When we speak in the future, we create anxiety (how will that turn out? I don’t have enough time. Its not going to work out, etc.) All we can do is be present. Instead of past or future, say ‘I am’....see how it feels. ‘I am going to do well on that presentation. I am worthy enough. I am getting that job or promotion. Heck, I AM promoted! I am a Reiki healer. I help others heal themselves’....Believe what you want. Continually affirm your intentions. It will happen (positive or negative). Future self journaling will shift your mindset because you are believing in and manifesting your future. You ARE creating it! We have that superpower
I remember a month ago when I had the download for the women’s circle and I sat in my living room and spoke aloud to the universe saying ‘I am holding a women’s circle at the library and it’s magical.’ Guess what? It happened! Believe in yourself and the rest will align because you want it that badly. 
Mantra: Every moment of every day, I am expecting and welcoming good thingsπŸ’“βœπŸ½βœ¨
now get specific in those good things! what are you manifesting??

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