
Mar 18, 2021

Written 3/28/19:

Signs..synchronicities. I have always LOVED them. It could be numbers in succession, names or words, feathers, pennies, “coincidences.” (I don’t believe in coincidences). They make me feel closer to the divine and give me that sense of assurance that I’m on the right path or at the very least, they open my awareness to the present moment which includes the present thoughts inside of my head. 

I’m a big believer in signs, especially during this powerful upgrade of our Mother Earth. I see signs on a daily basis however, the last few months, they have been incessant in my daily tasks. Flowers, hearts, numbers in succession, deja vu, meeting certain people in my life that have specific messages for me, writing down words while they are said aloud on the tv or in a song.

Do you feel the shift? Look for the signs! The Universe is trying to tell you something, push you to your potential as well as bring you closer to your core. Your purpose. Take an extra second to soak it in when something you see or feel resonates at a deeper level. There are no coincidences. If you think for a second “whoa, that was weird!” its just the divine and your spirit guides cheering you on and aligning you with your purpose on this magical, beautiful Earth.  


What are your favorite signs?

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