Unintentional INtentions
Mar 18, 2021Written 12/24/19:
I didn’t so much set goals as just go after the downloads of my soul. I remember setting intentions on New Years which I’ve never really done before. I just felt called to write down my true desires for the year. It’s wild to reflect on everything that I’ve released as well as manifested this past year. I am a now a firm believer in the power of intention!
excerpt from my writings-12/30/18
My biggest learnings of this year revolved around my own power. I hold so much potential for myself as well as giving that power and using it constructively to heal and help others. My past life traumas have come back full circle to break the cycle of victimhood and not owning my power.
2018 was a year of shifting. one word, shifting. I let go of self doubt. I owned my power. I want to create a sacred and safe space for myself as well as others. I want to create- no, I create change for others as well as finding home again and turning inward to ourselves rather than outward.
I would like my passion and sensitivity to remain the same in this new year. My intuition and ability to feel and know what is right for myself and my life.
I want more connection with my friends and family. I want more heart and more self reflection to continue healing my wounds. I want more empathy and compassion. I want more peace and love in this crazy beautiful world for those souls who are suffering. I want more joy and simple pleasures. I want more in the moment!
less disconnection. less toxicity. less gossip. less BS. less victimhood. less drama.
A feeling that I want to lead with in 2019 is trust and knowing. Already having the tools and trusting myself with using them to their optimal potential.
My word is TRUST.
This year, I want to feel protected and worthy.
This year, I want to manifest joy and happiness and healing in others.
This year, I want to let go of self doubt.
I want to continue my self care rituals and meditation and demonstrating gratitude.
This year, I want to be the me that I know I am. I want to be surrounded by like minded souls and build my tribe. I want to own my power and share it with others when I feel it is necessary. I want to forgive myself for being human and let go of any victim/negative thoughts. I want to spread love and happiness.
Everything will happen in due time.
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