$77.00 USD

Soul Spring Cleaning: Practical Magic and Rituals



Are you ready to awaken the dormant energies of winter and invite the vibrant essence of spring into your home? I grew up seeing my Mother and Grandmother incorporate cleansing practices throughout all seasons but especially Spring! I'm excited to share these practical magic tips with you.

In this masterclass, we'll blend ancient wisdom with modern practicality to create a sacred space that nourishes your spirit and revitalizes your home.

About the Masterclass: In this 2 hour experience, you'll learn how to infuse your spring cleaning routine with intention, magic, and positive energy. You'll discover powerful techniques to purify, renew, and manifest abundance in your living space. 

What You'll Learn:

  • The significance of spring cleaning in all facets of our lives.
  • Practical cleaning techniques with a witchy twist.
  • Rituals for energy cleansing and space purification.
  • Manifestation techniques to attract love, abundance, and harmony.

Who Should Attend:

  • Anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual connection with their living space
  • Individuals interested in incorporating mindfulness and intentionality into their cleaning routine


Embrace the magic of spring and awaken your home to its fullest potential. Join us for this enchanting masterclass and embark on a journey of transformation and renewal unlike any other. Let's harness the power of nature to cleanse, purify, and manifest our dreams together.